We Give Flight to Your Ideas.

Incub8 Media positions you to access Development Financing.

Incub8 Media positions you to access Development Financing.

Since 1990, we have worked with entrepreneurs and experienced what makes an opportunity ‘deal ready.’ Passion drives initiative, and at Incub8 Media, we don’t see obstacles; we see opportunities. Our network of friends and business associates is ready and capable of launching your media opportunity. Incub8 Media is a platform that truly can give flight to your ideas.

Icarus Capital
Incub8 Media is now working with Icarus Capital
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“Vineyards - the Feature” is seeking $1.8M
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Submit Your Short
Submit your short to be considered for a Feature Film or TV Series
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Incub8 Media at a Glance.

In a word, we are about Solutions.

As a group, as individuals, and as active participants in media and entertainment, we understand that an idea alone is just an idea. The reality is that people take action, and no matter how much A.I. has been in the recent news, our human touch makes the difference.

So what is our solution? We connect creative individuals, like yourself, with those who have already walked a mile in your shoes.We’ll introduce you to the right people to help bring your projects to market.

Is it a short, a feature or an event?

So, you wrote a script for a Pilot. Who can assist you with getting to the next steps? Fortunately, you are not the first to ask, and with our team, we can create a business plan, identify potential paths toward funding and invite experienced industry participants that can enhance your natural abilities.

Anything can be accomplished. There is a plan, and through a series of discussions, and some meaningful edits, we are confident in bringing your vision to life.

Is it a short, a feature or an event?

So, you wrote a script for a Pilot. Who can assist you with getting to the next steps? Fortunately, you are not the first to ask, and with our team, we can create a business plan, identify potential paths toward funding and invite experienced industry participants that can enhance your natural abilities.

Anything can be accomplished. There is a plan, and through a series of discussions, and some meaningful edits, we are confident in bringing your vision to life.

Seeking creative opportunities.

We are typically seeking to:

  • Acquire libraries and catalogues for new release
  • Originate live and streaming events for our Community
  • Encourage IP creation via select Development Financing opportunities
  • Participate in Productions through our alliance partners and portfolio companies

No list is complete, and we are always open to new ideas.